Basel. Nature. Near.

About us

Innovative and modern

Chrischona has been a place of inspiration and pioneering work since its founding in 1840. Today we combine traditional values with new, innovative ideas and permanently preserve the mentality associated with them. With great commitment, we focus on the customer experience and inspire our guests.

Nature and near

Our location in the canton of Basel is easy to reach by car and public transport and offers sufficient parking space. In nature, away from the noise of the big city, our clients develop new creative ideas for their business activities, projects and strategies. This is where they visualize their future, set goals and celebrate results.

Our team

Ueli Rusch

Managing Director

I am incredibly excited to be able to be involved in the development of a company and place that has centuries of history.

Jonas Rapp

Head of Marketing

I get excited about bringing people to the highest point of Basel to plan, meet and celebrate. And this in an environment that allows not only top performance, but also profound work.

Beatrice Strässle


My motivation is to help shape Chrischona Berg so that people experience their time here as inspiring and encouraging and are happy to come back.

Hannelore Grässlin

Head of housekeeping

Our guests should find well-kept, beautiful premises where they feel comfortable and safe and are happy to come back. I am motivated by working in a team, by serving our guests in a friendly manner and by being able to do something good for other people.

Gerhard Wagner

Accounting Manager

I am motivated to contribute my skills and gifts so that our guests, students and employees are happy to be here and can pass on their positive experiences to other people.

Beat Ammann

Head of AV

I am excited about the challenges and possibilities of today’s technology. Thereby I am happy if I can contribute to a good (technical) success by my support at different meetings and concerts.

Daniel Feurer

Head of infrastructure

It excites me to advance Chrischona Berg, to expand the infrastructure with my skills and to contribute professional and life experience for a good cause.

Marco Sütterlin

Head of Properties

I’m motivated not only by working in a cool team and at a wonderful location, but also by the opportunity to contribute my talents here.


Would you like to join our team?

Ueli Rusch

+41 (0)61 646 44 05

Basel. Natur. Nah.







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    Ideen auf dem Berg

    Event Location with Unique Character

    Entertaining birthday parties, private concerts in a living room atmosphere, exciting creative workshops, exhibitions or classical concerts with large audiences – as a unique event location, the Chrischona Berg not only offers an extraordinary ambience and an inspiring view of the Alps. With its versatile rooms, the site also serves as an event location for a wide variety of needs.

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    Highlights & Veranstaltungen auf dem Berg

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